that in a Country of Professing
Christians, whose predecessors
were permitted to come and settle on a part
of the soil, allotted by
Divine Providence to native owners who are our
brethren of his Creation: Who have been
renowned both before & since the
corruption they imbibed through
the Fraud & bad example of white men, to
be in general, kind and
hospitable, as well as remarkably punctual to their
engagements: That
these poor natives in so many instances should justly have
cause to com-
plain of wrongs, impositions, & unchristian treatment,
through breach
of contracts, unjustly grasping after and obtaining their
Lands, besides
the great abuse and disadvantage they have received by the
practice of introducing strong Liquor, Whisky &c, among a weak,
ded & uncivilized People: And that these Complaints should
fix upon Men more knowing & civilized, who if the Spirit of
the religion they profess was attended to
would find it incumbent on them to
shew forth a very different Conduct, or a
treatment and Disposition much
more likely to instruct, civilize and convert
those whom they term a savage
& barbarous People.
... To day we had two comfortable meetings at Brotherton
attended by many of the Indians, both men and women. This People,
or many of them appear'd to have a deep sense of Favour. We parted
with them in much Love, and went to another Indian Settlement called
The Committee having agreed to hold a Council with the Stockbridge