the cross: This, he said, had crucified
every fleshly lust, and given
them power to resist the tempter: That also,
they held that it was not right to
marry, but that the World was
wrong, and laid in Sin, &c. He seem'd
confident in supposing their
Tenets to be right in respect to marriage, and that they take up
the cross
to lustful desires, and go beyond others in self-mortification, &c.
respect to their Worship, he informed me they came together
every evening,
took a solid pause, and if the Elders feel any thing to
arise with weight,
they were permitted to speak; they also sing the Songs
of Solomon, use
dancing &c. I informed him of our belief concer-
ning the benefit of
Silence, and of Spiritual Worship; and advised him
to beware of being over
confident in supposing they had witnessed grea-
ter Attainments than others.
He told me they believed George Fox to
have been a good Man, until he mixed
with the World; that then he fell
away, and there had been a falling away
among us till this time; and we
had lost our gift of discerning, & had
in our Church many rotten, or defected Members,
But they (the Shakers) he
said, had that Gift, & had sought out some of
the most deep & hidden
Sins, &c: -- I let him know I feared they were
mistaken, not being so
whole as they thought themselves to be. --- This man
appear'd to be sober
& well-behaved. He said they all lived in Love, and in
one family, and
portion'd out each one's labour, according to their ability:
They have many
Mechanicks, and some are appointed to inspect the work
before it is Sold;
appearing to maintain Credit by honest dealing, &c. -
They seem
appear to be much United, do not act without consulting together,
and -
move as in a body, This Man told me farther, they did not receive any
as Mem-
bers if they had wronged any person, until they had returned
fourfold: and when
any one joined them, his Property is put into public
Stock; & if he should leave