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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Journal of Joshua Evans

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held before: The people sat commendably: several of them
invited us to their houses; But believing myself clear, I chose ra-
ther to leave them in the hand of the Lord.


Next at Walling's
valley, a little village, we had a large & good meeting; where there
had not been any held by friends before: A Baptist

was present, who seemed to be tendered. --- The height of the
mountains here seemed awful, exceeding any that I had seen:
Some people suppose that much more rain and snow fall on them
then doth in a level country. --- Oh! the sympathy I have
perceived for those who dwell in these rough places; many of them
in poor cottages, covered with Bark, or straw.


I was at Danby meeting

again, it being the first of the
week, and seemed to be a dull season; yet some ability to la-
bour amongst them was afforded; several things opened in my mind
concerning the free use of distilled Spirits, India Tea, and tobacco,
and I had to tell the people I was apprehensive these things were
not introduced amongst us by the dictates of Truth; but that they
rather came in by stealth, as a thief in the night, and stand behind
the curtain of custom (as many other evils do; causing weak-
ness among us as a people: Yet that I believed the Lord's refining work
would go forward, & prevail over all Opposition, but gradually; And that