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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Narrative of a Second Visit to the Indian Country

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they committed their daughters to his care. Of this
journey, he gives the following narrative.

Upon our arrival at New York, we received
every mark of attention that was necessary. As I
was alone with the Indian girls, Friends expressed
great concern for me; and we were conducted to a
friend's house which proved as a brook by the
way, both temporally and spiritually. It being
first-day, we attended meetings both forenoon and

Next morning, our beloved friends here furnish-
ed us with a carriage and horses, to carry us as far
as Albany

; with a letter of recommendation to a
particular friend there, who, on our arrival, received
us with open arms, and procured a carriage with a
sober driver, that conveyed us safely to the Indian

On my arrival at Stockbridge

and delivering up
the girls, I could discover no less joy manifested by
the whole nation, than by their parents. In a day
or two, a council was called. It was held in a large
room, at the house of one of the chiefs. Three
great trunks of trees were brought in, and laid on
the floor apart for the women to sit on. On one
side was a two armed chair, constructed by the na-
tives, in which sat the sachem; the interpreter sat
next, and myself was seated next him; while the
chiefs occupied a seat opposite the women, the latter
sitting in a leaning posture, with their eyes fixed on
the ground, the lids of which appeared not to move.
A solemn silence ensued;—when He who meted
out the heavens with a span, seemed to preside
over the whole assembly: and I can safely say, the