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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Account of a Journey to the Indian Country

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sun to rise beyond the top of the eastern hills, and set
below the brow of the western mountains,—that hath
clothed the wilderness with leaves in the spring, and
disrobed it again, in the fall.—it is He alone who hath
set bounds to our country. This speech so surprised
the auditory, though men of great abilities, that they
knew not what reply or answer to make.

5th. checkPlace

Favoured with health, though my companion,
H. Simmons

, jun. labours under the affliction of the
ague. John Tuhi and George Crosby came to see us.
These men are of another tribe, and appear superior
in respect to sobriety and understanding, to many of
us, who are of a fairer complexion. Their remarks
on divers matters were edifying. Speaking of a
schoolmaster's qualifications, one of them observed
that the sort of master they wanted, or required
amongst them was, not only one who was qualified to
teach children, and keep the school in order, but one
who would be an example to their parents.

These men offered us their horses to ride to their

, and they would go on foot, being about
seventeen computed miles, through a country almost
impassible at this season: but I could not accede to
their kind proposal.

Had a meeting this morning. A number of Indians
came to see us, notwithstanding it was very stormy.
I thought this a day of refreshment, both in our little
sitting, and in some remarks made by the natives.

6th. checkPlace

A cold morning;—the wind north-east, and
the waters high in the creeks, from the thaw of snow
that had occurred. We intended to set out for Stock-

on foot, but as my companion was much re-
duced by having the ague, together with some bag-
gage we had to take, it seemed a little difficult. But