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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Account of a Journey to the Indian Country

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This being a very weighty matter, claimed my
serious attention, and was laid before the committee
appointed by the Yearly Meeting, for promoting the
improvement and gradual civilization of the Indian
natives. The proposal was acceded to by the com-
mittee, who furnished me with a certificate, expres-
sive of their unity therewith, and addressed to the
Indians, as follows:


We received by our friend, Henry Simmons

a few lines from you. We were glad to hear from
you, and that your young men were encouraged to
walk in the good path, we recommended to you. It
did our hearts good, when he told us that you had
raised corn, wheat, and other grain, to supply your-
selves till next crop. We wish you all to be sober
and industrious, and learn to be good farmers.

Brothers, we understand that you are desirous a
few of your girls should be placed in the families of
some of our friends, and be taught what our daugh-
ters are. We rejoice at it, and are willing to take
three of them; and our friend, Joseph Clark

, has
agreed to assist in bringing them safe down. They
(H. Simmons and J. Clark) will deliver you this.
We also have agreed to take two girls from Oneida,
and two from the Tuscaroras.

Brothers, we expect the girls you send us,
will remain till they are eighteen years of age, as our
daughters are placed by their parents or friends to
learn what we want your daughters should know;
that is, spinning, weaving, how to make butter, and