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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Journal of a Visit to the Oneida, Stockbridge, and Brotherton Indians

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professing to be Baptists

should desire the Presbyterians
to furnish them with a Preacher.


Made ready for the Oneidas

Counsel in the morning
whilst at Breakfast a few lines was brought to us
from a Chief of the Tuscaroras informing that we the
Quakers must not go to the Oneidas to counsel but
that the Oneidas would come to them at Stockbridge
that he was desired so to do by them, so we waited with
considerable degree of patience having experienced
it an article very necessary in transacting business
with these People as they seldom appear in a hurry
and in an especial manner their Counsels, but this day
almost exhausted all our store for the day ended & we
heard no tidings from them — 28th: This morning
somewhat wet or else we had concluded to have all
went but after some time concluded to send to know
the reason of their disappointing Us, was
accordingly sent and after some time return'd with
a salmon Fish in his bag, and an answer to Us that
they had gone to Fort Stanwix to receive a part
of their annual pay from Government & that it
was not likely we could not have an opportunity before
the day after tomorrow, which afresh discovers our
necessity of multiplying our patience on this