we now left the bottom land our Road Rough and stony for nearly
miles many new settlements, it appearing fertile where
not Clear'd Coated
with the Sugar Maple, Beech and with what the
people call Black Beech
with we call it Black Ash of which
they chiefly fence in
many places much of the white pines.
The Sugar Maple was easily know from
the many scars that had
been made from time to time to run the sap, some
were as
large as two feet Diameter we reach'd the German Flats
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18 miles which one find to be an ancient setted place
setted by the Germans Emigrating from Albany nearly
Eighty years ago after Dinner cross'd over the River
on to the East side rode through a large body of these
flats and but after some Riding fell up got into a
Leavel Rich Bottom Timber'd with Hemlock chiefly
rode several miles therein Until we came to the River bottom
as again described wonderfully fertile deep & Ritch Cloth'd
with Timber, cross'd the River on a bridge to Old Fort
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fruitful appearance, we rode this afternoon a mostly in about
25 miles & most of the way in a new setted country setted within
a dozen Years since the war. The Houses new land new and settlements
so near that it resembles a town most of the way, many
Stately well built Houses built of wood, Stone appear scarce here
this morning
The Eleventh,
who to our staisfaction happened
to be in the Village who appeared to be a free openhearted
sincere friend to us & our Concern gave us all the information
he was capable of with respect to our move & his own
Judgment of what might be useful afternoon we left the place & in
in 14 Miles riding reached Captain Hendricks Hindrech
Smiths an
Oneida Indian setted nearly the line
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this morning had an opportunity
with Colonell
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to be in the Village who appeared to be a free openhearted
sincere friend to us & our Concern gave us all the information
he was capable of with respect to our move & his own
Judgment of what might be useful afternoon we left the place & in
in 14 Miles riding reached Captain Hendricks Hindrech
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