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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Journal of a Journey

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We then withdrew a few minutes to confer upon
their proposals and requests, and soon returned to in-
form them what we agreed upon. John Shoemaker

rose and informed them
that we believed it would not
be best to send one boy only, because he would be likely
to feel himself lonesome and so become uneasy;
neither did we think it would be best to send one
younger than 13 years, lest when the older one had
served out his time and had gone home, the younger
one would be uneasy. But if they could get two or
three boys of good disposition and near of an age who
would be willing to come and work as some of our
children do, we should be willing to accept of them
and use our endeavours to instruct them.

Then Thomas Stewardson

informed them that
although we had not proposed to do any great matters
for them, yet as they appeared desirous of improv-
ing, we were willing to assist them a little, and would
send them a pair of bellows, an anvil, vise, and some
other tools to begin with, if they thought Sam Jemi-
(who has been instructed in the business at
Genesinguhta), would come and do their work; also
we would furnish them with one hundred lbs. of iron,
a set of plow-irons, and some steel to begin with.


then replied: "You are wiser
than we, and we believe have come to a good conclu-
sion about the boys, and we think we shall be likely
to get two pretty near of an age in a few weeks, who
will be willing to go, and whose parents and rela-
tions will consent to their going. And if any of our
boys are sent, we want them taught to work as your
children are; for it will be of very little use for them
just to learn to read and write if they do not know
how to work.

During almost all the time of the council, I think
that notwithstanding they are a very dirty, mean
people in and about their houses, cookery, etc., I
never felt a greater flow of near affection to any
people, accompanied with what I took to be an as-
surance that their souls are as precious in the eyes of
Him who is impartial in judging of the inmost re-
cesses of the heart, as ours are who have been blessed
with so many inexpressible favours; (I fear too often
with but little sense of gratitude; to the Great
Spirit for influencing our hearts to take pity on them,
and to us in manifesting our kindness, insomuch that
I could not suppress a flow of tears; and although a
good deal had been said on both sides, it being likely
I should never have the same or a like opportunity,
I thought I could not leave them easy without en-
deavoring to open to them the real cause of our com-
ing; the origin of the concern which the Society is
engaged in for their good; that the good men in our
Society always loved our Indian brothers, and during
the whole time the white people and Indians were at
war and killing one another, we had no hand in it nor
could not be at war with anybody, but were sorry for
it. And although we had no outward power in our
hands, generally when treaties were appointed be-
tween the white people and themselves, some of us
attended to try to keep them from being cheated.

And when the war was over we were willing to try
to help and instruct them. With much more similar
to what I expressed in the council at Genesinguhta,

relative to the bad effects attendant upon the use of
ardent spirits both upon white men and Indians,
with a strong recommendation to them to endeavour
to avail themselves in every respect of the opportu-
nity put into their power of improving the little good
land they have left, and following the advice and ex-
ample set and given them by our young men who re-
side with their brother Senecas on the Allegheny
River. Also I informed them that Jacob Taylor in-
tended to stop on his return from Buffalo and view
their saw-mill. And although we were desirous of
getting forward this afternoon, on our way to Buffalo
Creek, and made attempts to conclude the council,
they were so pleased with our company that it
seemed too hard for them to part with us; and the
chief warrior said he was sorry and ashamed they
were not in a capacity to entertain us better, but if
we would be so kind as to stay another night with
them they would do the best they could, and Flying
said he would bring as much corn as our
horses could eat. For my part, I was not in a ca-
pacity to refuse their request and told my companions
I would rather stay with them until the next morn-
ing. To this they all consented and we informed
them so. They seemed much rejoiced; the chief
warrior saying we had made the hearts of their
women and children glad, and some more of them
would be glad to take us by the band. Flying Arrow
soon sent us plenty of corn, and his father cut corn
tops enough and brought to our horses. The chief
warrior's wife exerted herself in doing all she could
for us. After the council was concluded and the most of
the Indians gone, also Harry, who was our interpreter,
I had a good deal of very friendly conversation with
Wau-un-de-guh-ta, (our landlord), Jacob Taylor in-
terpreting. I soon found there were such impres-
sions made upon his mind that it has opened a door
to a large scope of inquiry; and I believe many
things appeared in a fresh or new light to him. I
discovered him for some time to be in a deep study;
at last he said there was one thing he wanted to ask
but was afraid the question would not please us. We
told him he might ask anything. He then said,
some time ago when he was at the Federal City, on
his way there he saw a great many black men that
were slaves to white men and looked miserable; and
he wanted to know whether the Quakers kept any of
them. We told him we did not, and did not think it
right. He seemed very much pleased. Many things
more he asked; [so] that truly the undissembled ap-
pearace and conduct of this man and his wife made
very pleasant impressions on all our minds.

[To be Continued.]