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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Journal of a Journey

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Friends Intelligencer 44 (1887), 452-4, 468-70, 482-4, 701-3, 514-6, 530-2. Sections labeled I-VI. Followed in FI by sections VII-XII, recording a trip in 1803.

Ninth month 24th,[1803.] About 10 o'clock, many of
the chiefs and others collected and seated themselves
around a small fire which was kindled in the open
yard, and sent us word they were ready, about sixty
in number. We then went and sat with them. After
a short pause Conudiu

rose and congratulated us on
our safe arrival in their country, and said they were
thankful to the Great Spirit who had preserved us in
our long journey to see them, and more which I can
not well recollect, much to the same purport. Corn-
then said they were ready to hear us. We
then had our certificate read and interpreted to them,
which is as follows:

To Cornplanter and other Chiefs of the Seneca Nation of
Indians living on the Allegheny River; Brothers:

Our friends who live amongst you inform us they have
conferred with you some time past about removing to set-
tle some distance farther up the river, on some of the land
you lately sold to the white people; which we understand
they and some of you think might enable them to be still
more useful to you than where they now live.

"Brothers, we are desirous every movement we make
amongst you may be well considered and so conducted as
to always keep the chain of friendship clean and bright
between us; for which reason we think it right at this
time to send some of our brethren to help to consult and
confer on this business, and our friends Isaac Coates,

Isaac Bonsal, Thomas Stewardson, and John Shoemaker,
feeling their minds clothed with love toward you, are wil-
ling to undertake this long journey. We hope you will re-
ceive them as brothers, and listen to their words, for they
are true men and sincere friends to your nation.

"Brothers, our hearts are made glad to hear from our
friends amongst you that you are beginning to live more
comfortably on the fruits of your labor, under the blessing
of the Good Spirit; and we more especially rejoice to hear
that your chiefs and young men generally refrain from
the use of strong liquors, which you know have been so
destructive to Indians as well as many white people. We
hope you will be strengthened by the Great Spirit to perse-
vere in the good resolution you have taken on this subject.

"Brothers, we desire the Good Spirit may be with you
and influence you and our friends in your councils, on the
weighty subjects which may come before you; that so
everything may be settled and conducted to mutual satis-
faction and to the furtherance of our designs of being last-
ingly useful to you."

We remain your friends and brothers.Philadelphia, 19th of the Eighth mo., 1803.

After the foregoing certificate was read and ex-
plained to them, evident marks of assent were dis-
coverable, and we having concluded upon and drawn
up an address to them on the important contem-
plated removal of our young men, it was also read to
them by paragraphs and interpreted as follows:

To Cornplanter

and the other Chiefs of the
Seneca Nation residing on the Allegheny River;

You have heard the speech which our friends at
home have sent to you by us. We now wish you to
speak your minds to us quite plain, and if there is
anything which does not feel easy to you, that you
will tell it to us.

Brothers, we have seen the speech made by you
to our friends who live among you, at one of your
late councils, by which we understand you leave
them at full liberty to move up the river to settle on
land joining to yours.

Brothers, since we came here we have been
viewing the land, and think if the Holland Company

will sell us a piece on Tunesasah Creek that it will be
a suitable place for our friends to settle upon; they
will then still be among your settlements.

Brothers, when our friends first came to settle
among you, we told you the tools they then brought
should be for your use, to be lent among such of you