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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Journal of a Journey

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BEING several years one of the committee who have
the care of the concern and fund raised by our Yearly
Meeting for promoting the gradual civilization and
real benefit of the Indian natives, I have for several
months past felt my mind drawn to visit them again
in Cornplanter's settlement

, and where some of our
young men are residing amonst the Seneca Nation,
at a place called Genesinguhta, in order to instruct
them. The committee, last month in Philadelphia
when met, believed it would be likely to be useful in
promoting that good work, for four Friends to be ap-
pointed to visit the before-mentioned settlement this
season; accordingly separated Isaac Bonsal, Thomas
, John Shoemaker, and myself for that
purpose. We then agreed to meet at Thomas Light-
's, at Maiden Creek, on the 9th day of the Ninth
month, 1803.

The morning of said day I left home in company
with James Wilson

, who is intending to accompany
some women Friends to Upper or West Canada, in
order to visit the members of our Society residing
there. About noon we met Isaac Bonsal at John
's and arrived in the evening at Thomas
's, where we were informed all the rest of
our company were gone forward about noon that day.

[9th mo.] 10th, [1803.]

Rode over a number of
mountains to Kepler

's, formerly Rich's tavern, and
lodged, where we fared better than we expected.


Rode to Trexler

's, late Ledenburg's, in the
morning, where we found our friends who went be-
fore. They not being ready to set off, we left them
and rode to Catawissa, 23 miles, this morning before
ten o'clock, and attended Friends' meeting in this
place, having ridden ninety-six miles. We propose
to rest the remainder of this day at Ellis Hughes's, it
being the first of the week. On viewing the timber,
mountains, land, and roads thus far, I think it need-
less to make any observations, finding them all to
very nearly correspond with the former notes I made
thereon; but have observed a number of miles back to
this place, the Indian corn, buckwheat, potatoes, and
almost all other tender vegtables are generally killed
with the frost.


Our expected company all arrived last even-
ing. In the morning provided some necessaries, and
rode this day to Wm. Ellis

's, thirty miles, at Muncy,
where we all propose to lodge, being ten of us. Soon
after we crossed the northeast branch of the Susque-
hanna we found the frost had not been so severe as
where we passed yesterday; but it is almost melan-
choly to behold in this part of the country the springs
and streams of water to be almost wholly dried up
and gone, even many heretofore large streams with
no water in them, and many valuable milles are with-
out one drop, insomuch that divers of the inhabitants
have got to boiling their wheat to eat and expect if
the drough continues much longer it will be gener-
ally the case. At Wm. Ellis's the women were wash-
ing and they told us they expected it must be the last
time, except rain came, or they brought their water a
number of miles.


A wet morning. We stayed at Wm. Ellis

and dined. About two o'clock p. m., Thomas Setward-
, Isaac Bonsal, John Shoemaker, George Vaux,
and myself, all who were going to Genesinguhta, set
off. James Wilson, Hannah Yarnal, Mary Witchel,
and Samuel Johnson, who propose going to Canada,
stayed at Ellis's. This afternoon we rode fifteen miles
to Newberry, a small town of perhaps fifteen or
twenty houses. Most or all of the way from Ellis's to
Newberry is a beautiful road along the bottom lying
on the west branch of Susquehanna. On our way we
crossed the Loyalsock about nine miles from our last
night's lodging, and the Lycoming about six miles
farther, near Newberry, both of which are large,
beautiful streams falling into the West Branch. The
most of this afternoon's ride along the bottom is very
fertile although it appears to be sandy. Near Lycom-
the Indian corn is excellent; I expect it will pro-
duce fifty bushels to the acre. We propose to lodge
to-night at John Sloan's tavern where we have had
an excellent supper. We passed through Williams-
, about three miles back from Newberry, it being
the county town of Lycoming county, containing
twenty or more houses.


Rode eighteen miles to James Kooken

's on
Larrie's Creek, and dined. The most of the way over