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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Some Account of a Visit

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being among you, and believe you
have made some advancement since our
friends visited you three years ago - We now
want to encourage you to industry in the
Cultivation of your Land, for your Land we
see is very good and easy Clear'd, and will
produce a great deal of wheat as well as Corn
if you are industrious and farm it well ---

We wish you to learn your Boys to
work while they are young and by this
means they will get to love work and be
able to assist you when they grow older --
and as you become industrious and raise
plenty of grain it will afford you a
much better Liveing & more certain than
depending on huntery ----

We see you have a good stock
of Cattle & we hope you are careful to
provide plenty of fodder for them in the
winter -- We think if you would sow some
of your rich Bottoms on the River with
Timothy it would afford you a great deal