wool and a little flax which
will be willing to give you to begin with
and next year
you can raise more
flax - A house is built for such of your
girls to work in as incline to be instruc-
ted and some Wheels
provided ---
We are glad to observe you have
made such good roads
in many places
along this River - this makes it com-
traveling and opens a way for you
to get your Grain to the Mill --
We are
satisfied with the proposals our friends
have made to
you with respect to grind-
ing your grain and sawing your
boards but we think it will be necessary
for them to take toll
after the time
they propos'd to you, and it would be a
satisfaction both to our friends and us
if you would not bring your
to the Mill on the first day of the
week as your friends
the Quakers do not
wish to be interrupted in the time of
Meeting or work on that day