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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Some Account of a Visit

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Second, and to love our neighbours as ourselves
of these commandments had these proper effect
in the hearts of men and the did in sincerity
and truth love worship and adore the
Great and good Spirit from whom all
blessings come it would be a happy state
and preserve from war and Bloodshed --

We desire not to fill your ears
with words, but rather to recommend
you to retire and gather your mind,
into Quiet and Settlement, and thus as you
humbly wait and have prayers and desires
raised in your minds to be rightly instructed
and continue inwardly attendtive you will
be in the way of receiveing light knowledge
and Counsel superior to any we can import,
for there is a divine principal of light
and grace in every heart, by it our forefa-
-thers were taught and we their descendants
have been taught to love all men as
Brethren, and have been restraind from
revengeing injuries or rendering evil for
evil, and this has been the profession
of your friends the Quakers for more
than one hundred and fifty years --