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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Some Account of a Visit

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in Grass, & about 21 Acres of new Ground
clear'd this Summer to put in with winter
Grain which they are now preparing to sow.

A White Man with a family lives in ano-
ther house on the farm, who works the saw
Mill to the shares and all the logs the
Indians bring to the Mill are saw'd to the
halves, and Boards are sold to such of them
as want to buy at half the present Market
price -- A survey of the farm is not
yet made, and must necessarily include
a part of two mountains to secure the ad-
vantage of the water, but will also include
a large proportion of two Valleys of
exelent land Cover'd with a great quantity
of good pine timber, also some Whiteoak
hemlock, Sugar Maple &c. In our walks at
the foot of a Mountain 50 or 60 perches from
the house we went to view a large stone
which we thought something of a curiosity
it was about 24 feet in circumference
about 18 inches elevated above ground, the
top of it nearly horizontal and twelve