upon in the Countrey to which we go
forreigners & strangers and be despised by the
red as well as
the white people men and we
should soon be surrounded by the
people who will there also kill our game
come upon our lands and
try to get them
from us --
Brother - We are determined not to sell our
lands but to continue on them.
They are
fruitfull and produce us corn in abundance
for the support of
our women and chil-
dren and grass and herbs for our Cattle --
Brother At the Treaties held for the purchase of
our lands the white men
with sweet voices
and smileing countenances faces told us
they loved us & that they would not cheat
us -- but that the kings
children on the other
side of the Lake would cheat us. When we go on
the other side of the Lake the kings children tell
us they your
people will cheat us best with
sweet voices and smileing faces assure us of
love; and that they will not cheat us. These
things puzzle our
heads and we believe that
they Indians must take care of themselves
and trust either in your people or in the
Kings children --
Brother At a late Council we requested
our Agents to tell you that we would
not sell
our lands and we think you have not spoken