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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Some Account of my Residence among the Indians continued (Notes 2nd)

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about 60 miles up this River -- Most of
the men women and Children in our

came to see me set off and divers of
them appeard very sorry saying it was hard
they should never see me again -- All things
being ready and my companion Joel in-
tending to accompany me a part of the
way about 8 Oclock We embark'd and
bid adieu to Genesinguhta where I had
spent two years & upwards very conten
ted and happy --

As we past up the river I call'd to bid
the Indians of the upper Settlement
farewell who appear'd very friendly and
some of them manifested their hearty
good will by furnishing us with the
best provisions they could afford --
This day went up the river about 30 miles
encampt near the mouth of a Creek
comeing in on the South side of the
River call'd Teunewanguant which
Cannoes can pass up several miles
the evening being wet erected a bark
shed under which we Lodg'd comfort
ably, & the Indians haveing kill'd a
Deer in the River it afforded us plenty