The situation was very beautifull for the
but the stream we thought was rather smal &
several of the
Indians express'd their fears about it.
And seem'd desirours we should take
a review of
the other Stream which we attended to the next
day in
company with the Millwrights and were
still of the mind a good mill seat
might be had
at that place but the Mill wrights seem'd to throw
several Obstacles in the way, and persisted in going on
with the work where
the had begun and the Indians
conclueding the
other stream might answer their pur-
pose tho' it would not saw all the
year, we found
best to leave the Matter pretty much
to them
selves, yet the return'd us many thanks for our
care in
comeing to advise them --
This evening we mentioned to some of their Chiefs
that we propos'd going
home to morrow & should
like to see a few of them collected together
morning to take leave of them before we departed.
They replied
they had thought of the same
thing and would be happy to speak a few
with them us before we went away --