against it, and qualification was
measurably experimented to point out the
miseries to which they were subjected by it,
And we are not without a hope
that things
are bettering in that respect
We receiv'd intelligence from our Agents
at Pittsburgh,
Place Information
would be forwarded to Fort Franklin
Place Information
one of us therefore propose, starting tomorrow
with several Canoes and a company of
Indians in order to transport them
to our place – We hope the considerati
-on of an addition to our number will
seriously engage your attention, as another
of us have a distant prospect of being
releas'd from this place –
We have not the accounts in readiness
to forward at this time, and think
will suffer by delaying them untill we
receive the other
Articles –
health as usual we remain your affectat
Friends H.S
Person Information
Person Information
Person Information