we have 8 or 9 Acres of our Wilderness
Clear'd, have got 4 Acres of Corn in the
Ground, 5 Bushels of
Oates sow'd, and 8
Bushels of Potatoes Planted this Spring
have also
plow'd several small lots
for the Indians near us and divers of the
men have assisted in the Labor of the Field.
One has fenc'd in a farm near
us and more
are about doing it – We have erected a
Schoolhouse at Conishadago
which the Indians assisted us in doing,
and also found materials for it
Altho’ we find sufficient encouragement
to persevere in the work, we cannot
lament the evil effects produced by an
intemperate use of
Spirituous Liquors
amongst those poor people – The procured
much of it
this Spring when out in the
Frontier Settlements disposing of their
Skins, Furrs, &c., which has caused us
some renewed engagement of mind
to bear a Testimo