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Beyond Penn's Treaty

A Mission to the Indians from the Indian Committee of Baltimore Yearly Meeting to Fort Wayne, in 1804

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not met with the success which they deserved, allu-
ding to their having received no satisfactory re-
ply from the Wyandots

and Delawares, and
concluded with observing, There is a great
deal, brothers, in having a good interpreter, and
beginning at the right end of the business.
[The Indian Committee who had had the inter-
view with Tarhie, (the Crane,) and a few of his
chiefs at Sandusky, were under the impression
that their speech to the Indians was not clearly
translated, of which a hint had been given, and
hence the remarks of the Five Medals.]

Here the interview with the Indians closed.

After reflecting on the subject of their con-
ference with the Indian Chiefs, the members of
the Indian Committee

regretted that they had
not made use of that opportunity to express
their opinion on the subject of the use of spirit-
uous liquors. Another meeting of the Com-
and their friends was accordingly called,
and the chiefs were invited to attend. They met
again at the dwelling of Elisha Tyson. After a
brief representation of the reason for another
interview given by a friend, Evan Thomas ad-
dressed the chiefs in a forcible communication,
which was full of feeling; after assuring them
that the love he felt for the Indians, and his
interest in their welfare, had taken away all
fear of giving them offence, he proceeded to ac-
knowledge what he had witnessed in his visit to
the Wyandot Nation, and his belief that the too