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Beyond Penn's Treaty

A Mission to the Indians from the Indian Committee of Baltimore Yearly Meeting to Fort Wayne, in 1804

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unable to hold any communication with them
collectively; under this disappointment they
made their report to the Committee on Indian


During the next Baltimore Yearly Meeting

the Indian Committee suggested, (in a report
they made to that body, in which they alluded
to the inability of their late mission to obtain an
interview with the tribes whose improvement
and preservation they desired,) that if a notice
of the intention of Friends was intimated to the
Indians in a suitable manner, and they were re-
quested to fix a time and place of meeting, a
satisfactory conference might be obtained; as
the disposition of such of them as they had had
an opportunity of conversing with appeared fa-

The report was dated 10th mo. 13th, 1796,
and signed by EVAN THOMAS


On the 15th of 10th month, 1796, the Com-
mittee on Indian Affairs

was officially informed
that the Yearly Meeting had made an addition
to that Committee, by the appointment of Reese
, Thomas Farquhar, Joel Wright,
James Mendenhall, George Ellicott, and James

At the next meeting Joel Wright

was ap-
pointed Clerk of the Committee, and no busi-
ness presenting, adjourned.