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Beyond Penn's Treaty

A brief Account of the Proceedings of the Committee Appointed by the Yearly Meeting of Friends held in Baltimore

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useful animals; amongst others, sheep, for the
advantage of the wool, in making clothing; and to
raising flax and hemp, for your linen; and if
your young women learn to spin, and weave;
that your lives will be much easier, and hap-
pier, than at present; and that your numbers
will increase, and not continue to diminish. As
we before observed, brothers, your land is
good. It is far better than the land, the white
people near the great water cultivate. We are
persuaded, that your land will produce double
the quantity of any kind of grain, or of flax, or
hemp, with the same labour necessary near
the great water.

Brothers and Friends,
We shall now end what we have to say, with
informing you, that all the corn, and other pro-
ductions of the earth, which Philip Dennis

may raise, we wish our Red Brethren to accept
of, as a token of our friendship. And it is our
desire that the chiefs of the Pottowattomi and
Miami nations, who are now present, added to
our brothers, the Five Medals, Tuthinipee,
and Philip Dennis, make such a distribution
thereof, as they may think proper.

The Indians observed great decorum, and
gave close attention during the delivery of this