whom, a future day was fixed upon for the
Organization Information
of their old men, their young men, and their
women and children, as could be assembled. The
attendance of the latter was particularly re-
quested by our deputation; and these chiefs
having previously requested, that whatever mat-
ter Friends might have to communicate to the
Indians should be written, in order that they
might lay it before the Grand Council, in
the Sixth Month following (to the attendance
of which they very pressingly invited the com-
mittee), on the day appointed, the committee
being met by a considerable number of the na-
tives, the following written address was read
and interpreted to them.
Brothers and Friends,
When we were together, eight days ago,
the Little Turtle
Person Information
Person Information
letter was read to them which has just been
read. That letter, you observe, says, that we
were appointed by the people called Quakers
of Baltimore
Organization Information
the hand on their behalf, desiring that you
would receive any communications from us, as
coming immediately from them.