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Beyond Penn's Treaty

A brief Account of the Proceedings of the Committee Appointed by the Yearly Meeting of Friends held in Baltimore

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them to make haste and do it, for we are old,
and must die soon; but we wish to see our
women and children in that path, that will lead
them to happiness, before we die.

At the same time a letter was received from
the Little Turtle

and Five Medals, in which
they expressed a wish, that some of the com-
would visit their country; which being
considered, the committee appointed a depu-
tation for that purpose; who were authorized
to take one or more suitable persons with them,
to reside amongst the Indians, for the purpose
of teaching them agriculture, and other useful
knowledge; as far as such an establishment
should appear practicable.

In the Second Month, 1804, two of the
deputation proceeded to Fort-Wayne

, accom-
panied by Philip Dennis; who had offered his
services to go with them, to remain with the
Indians during the summer; for the purpose of
instructing them in husbandry; taking with him
two horses to be employed in ploughing, &c.

They arrived at Fort-Wayne

the last day
of the Third Month, and soon after convened
several of the principal chiefs; in a council with