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Beyond Penn's Treaty

A brief Account of the Proceedings of the Committee Appointed by the Yearly Meeting of Friends held in Baltimore

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visit us; yes, that, even in our tents and cabins,
you will take us by the hand. You, brethren,
cannot admit a doubt that we should be very
happy to see you.

Brethren, listen:
It is but proper to inform you at this time,
that when you do come forward to see us, you
will, no doubt, pass by my place of residence
at Sandusky

. I will then take you, not only
by the hand, but by the arm, and will conduct
you safely to the grand council-fire of our great
Sasteretsey; where all good things are trans-
acted, and where nothing bad is permitted to
appear. When in the grand council of our
Sasteretsey, we will then sit down together, in
peace and friendship, as brethren are accus-
tomed to do, after a long absence; and remind
each other, and talk of those things that were
done between our Good Grand-Fathers, when
they first met upon our lands, upon this great

May the Great Spirit, the master of light
and life, so dispose the hearts and minds of all
our nations and people, that the calamities of
war may never more be felt, or known by any