it at times in view, to Quemanstown,
15 miles, where we got a good break-
fast. A few miles on this side Al-
bany, the land was a stony gravel,
with a hard clay; then sandy; The
whole of the way poor, thinly settled,
& buildings mean; mostly a pitch
pine timber. Then to Katskill
18 miles; the first 3 or 4 rough & stony;
then 8 or 10 miles
old settled country; pretty level fields
without pasture, meadows very light;
wheat, rye, cheat, & some cochle, mix’d
together, made their winter crop; the
land a stiff clay, in dry weather it
bakes very hard; the remainder of
this stage full of limestone ridges, &
so stony as not to be arable. Catskill
a large stream with a very rocky
bottom. From thence to Pearsons,