In 10 miles we arrived at a village
Munsey Indians in an excellent
country, being the first dwellings
we had seen since we left the
Alleghany river having rode through
an open wood for 4 or 5 miles past,
grown up with herbage of different
kinds, very thick, & near 3 feet high,
we stopp’d at a house in this vil-
lage & breakfasted on our own pro-
visions. The town & pasture
land was enclos’d in a lot of per-
haps 12 or more acres, which look’d
clean & pretty, having very good
pasture in the inclosure, where
were several horses, cows, & swine.
Their houses look’d pretty snug,
perhaps 18 or 20, in number; their
corn land was down towards the
river; they plant it without