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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Account of a visit paid to the Indians in New York State

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so that it looks very neatly, They
plant beans with their corn also,
a large quantity, for which they stick
poles. they also plant squashes
and pumpkins among their corn.

The women since we came here have
worked hardly, they pound all the
corn, for hominy and bread, sift and
pepare it; cut and split the wood &
carry it home on their backs nearly a
quarter of a mile, make all their fires,
and all other kitchen busines; plant
and take care of their corn, and
gather it, when ready, plant their
beans and stick them, and as far
as I can learn, all other out door
work, except building their houses
and splitting rails that the corn
land is inclosed with. It has
been a busy time since we came