where we liked best, and expressed their
full satisfaction with our choice.
Cornplanter then said, this man meaning
one of the chiefs that was with us, lives in
this town, and he is like one of you a so-
ber man and drinks no whiskey, and he
is very glad the young men are coming to
live so near him. We informed the chi-
efs that our young men would want tim-
ber, to build a house, for rails and for
firewood to which they readily consented
saying, they would be very glad they
would cut all the trees down; and further
liberty they would give them, if they saw
a buck swimming across the river, or runn
ing through the woods they might sho-
ot him or if they saw any fish in the
river they might catch them.
We then returned down the river
with Cornplanter to his village.