and rocky. Thence entered a pine forest
being the first white pine of note we had
met with; here they grew in abundance
tho not very large; But few settle-
ments the greatest part of this stage.
Stopped and got our breakfast at
John Kusiers 13 miles from thence to Geo;
Baschelors 14 miles The whole of this
stage, remarkable rough the first 3 or 4 m
miles the land appeared pretty good
tho’ very hilly; one hill more steep and
long than any we had met with
was as we went down to laurel hill creek
a small stream. from thence to near
this place is call’d laurel hill. The whole
of this stage very heavy timbered so that
the hills comparatively speaking groan’d
under their great load, abundance of which
was beautiful Chesnut the finest I ever re-
member to have ever seen with large