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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Henry Simmons letterbooks, Vol. 2 1798

Page out of 86

and solicitude for you in your re-
mote and exposed situation, accom-
panied with a desire, that best
support may be your experience.
your view of Benefit extendable to addi-
tional Bodies of Indians are liberal,
and becoming the cause we are en-
gaged to promote, how far we can
unite therein depends on a due con-
sideration of the limited sphere we
act in, with respect to the amount
of Funds to be relied on, devine
approbation, if obtained, is no
doubt an ample ground of de-
pendance; this assurance requires
that we move under the direc-
tion of best Wisdom, waiting
with patient circumspection for
clear openings for the advance-