nor any thing that you have, but only to do you and
your Children good; think well of what we now prepare
to you, and send us an answer as soon as you can.
Brothers We desire you would seriously reflect upon
the many Difficulties you are under; The hunger fatigue
and Cold you are subjected to, in your present mode of
Living, and compare it with the comfortable manner
in which you may Live, under the Blessing of the
Good Spirit; by raising Grain Cattle and other nec-
essaries on your Land, and then we hope that your
good understanding will incline you to think as we do,
that your Persueing this mode of Life, in which we are
ready to assist you will be of lasting advantage to you
and your Wives and Children for generations to come.
le called Quakers in Pennsylvania, New Jersey,
and parts adjacent. James Cooper
Joseph Sloan
John Biddle
John Slapler
Henry Drinker
William Savery
Benjamin Swett
John Hunt
Thomas Harrison
John Elliott
Joseph Sansom Philadelpa
the fifth Day of the first Month 1796