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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Henry Simmons letterbooks, Vol. 1 1797

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quorum to transact any business enjoined on them by this act. XII And be it further enacted & c.
That it shall and may be Lawful for the said inh
abitants of Brothertown by a majority of votes to adj-
ourn there annual Meetings from time to time as they may
Judg Proper. XIII And be it further enacted & c.
That it shall and may be Lawful for such Justices of
the peace of the County of Harkemer as the Inhabita-
nts of New Stockbridg shall invite to preside at their
first Meeting to be held in persueance of this act. XIV And be it further enacted
That the act entitled, an act for the relief of the India
ns residing in Brothertown & New Stockbridg, so far
as the same relates to the said Indians residing in New
Stockbridg excepting the Last clause we and the same
is hereby repealed. XV And be it further enacted & c.
That it shall be and it is hereby made the duty of his
exellency the Governer by such ways and means as
he shall Judge Propper, to remove all such white