to come forward with Confidence, that with them also
the United States will negociate and Establish Treaties
of Peace and Friendship on the Principals of Justice
and Humanity, We persuade ourselves that your
Friendship to us, and your Love to the People of your
own Colour, Will prompt you to embrace every occa-
sion to accomplish a work so acceptable to the
Great Spirit,, and so interesting to all the Indian
Nations. I remain your friend and Brother Timothy Pickg Done at the war office of the United States
at Philadelphia the 22 Day of the first Month, 1795
We the Sachems Chiefs & Warriors of the
Oneida Nation. Met in full council at On-
eida, on the third Day of the twelfth Month one Thousand
seven Hundred and ninety four, To consult of the me-
ans which may promote the Prosperity and hapyness
of our Nation, After mature consideration are of
Opinion, that the Cultivation of our Lands in the