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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Henry Simmons journals, Vol. 2 1799

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field a small village 18 miles, thence
to Cherry Valley 7 miles an incom-
pact village of about twenty dwellings
houses, a meeting house & an acade-
my therein, went 4 miles further
and lodged at a Public, house, much
of this days ride extreamly bad and

2nd day 28th Rode to old Scoharry
about 28 miles a scattering Vil-
lage Inhabitted by Jermons, cross
ed Scoharry Creek (near the village
by bridge, which is about five
Rods across. Lodged at John
Tavern, where I got
my Horse changed, for a fresh one
as he had got quite jaded down.

3rd day 29th Rode to Ransellers