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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Account of I. Coates, J. Sharpless, & J. Pierce, visits to Indian Reservation, NY

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, about 9 miles east of our present
quarters, being offered fresh horses for that
purpose, which we accordingly did to mu-
tual satisfaction, and riturned in the
evening. When near the North River about
a mile before we got to Edwards, we hat a
very beautiful and extensive prospect for
about 20 miles over the river, and as far
each way up and down the stream.

The face of the country appeared to de-
scend toward the river, and being mostly
improved, the wheat and pasture fields, with
large houses, barns &c. intermingled with
sheets of the river which presented in places,
together with the town of Poughkeepsie

miles up the river on its opposite shore,
made the landscape truly delightful.

This is a warm day.

3rd 3rd day.

This morning attended to getting our
horses shod with a prospect of setting out in
the afternoon, but were prevented by a thunder
storm and rain.

4th 4th day.

About 5 this morning set out
from our agreeable quarters, travelled about 18
miles to --'s tavern where we bated our horses
and breakfasted, here is a pretty good house, but
accommodations and attendance indiferent.