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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Account of I. Coates, J. Sharpless, & J. Pierce, visits to Indian Reservation, NY

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In the afternoon we, (that is Joshua Sharp-

and John Pierce) went about a mile
up the river, in order to view a small
creek, that we were informed of, as most
likely to afford a millseat: we went a
considerable distance up the creek, fount
it had plenty of fall, and appeared to
have a sufficiency of water, with a good
bank and place for a mill, much out of
the way of floods, which are sometimes
great in this river, and at the same time
so that canoes might come up a short dis-
tance to the mill; but against these advan-
tages, there are some disadvantages in regard to
getting the water where we want it. Millseats
are very scarce in this reservation, we have yet
seen none excepting the above worth building

2nd 7th day

This day our young men got to their
cleaning again, and have about 1 1/2 acres ready
for the plough. We were easy to agree to
spending some days at this place, and to
feel, and sympathize with our friends under
their various trials: and notwithstanding
we had no power from our friends at home
relative to things here. We believed the ur-
gency of the occasion would justify us in