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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Account of I. Coates, J. Sharpless, & J. Pierce, visits to Indian Reservation, NY

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and we sensibly felt the effect of our
poor nights lodging. We met with few houses
in this days ride.

The country was pretty level except about
Sandy Creek. The town of Franklin

[now Ve-
nago county
] is situated close on the side of French
Creek; it contains ten or twelve log houses: they
were built under cover of an old fort, which is now
demolished, and a new one erected half a mile
lower down the creek just above its junction
with the Alleghany River.

Two of us waited on Captain Fowler

, and
presented General Wilkinson's letter: upon read-
ing which he manifested great respect, and a
full disposition to comply with its contents.

He kindly invited us to take breakfast with him
in the morning.


We breakfasted with the Captain

, and
got of him, upon credit of General Wilkinson's
letter, four bushels of corn to feed our horses through
the wilderness; half a hundred of flour, and two
quarts of salt to take to the Indian village.

Joseph Johnson

, a surveyor to the Holland
, who was going to the mouth of the
Conewango Creek, within 16 miles of Cornplanter's
agreed to pilot us thither, and to procure
us another from that place.

After dining at the tavern where we put up