also sent us a sett of
Smiths Tools--you
have fulfilld all your Engagements with
We have not received the advantage
from the saw mill we
expected--one rea
son is our People are Deficient in knowing
how to work it--another Reason--the Water
is not sufficient to saw
more than one
Quarter of the Year. We have not re
ceived the
advantage from the Smith
Tools that we might have done, yet we
have used them more than the Saw Mill-
Some of our people have
learned to do
a number of small matters, yet we
acknowledge we
have been too neg
lectful of both.
Brothers--You say if our
Minds were
more strong to Labour--it would give our
Women more
time to learn to spin.
We think this would be a great
vantage to us, for if our Women would
learn to spin &
make their own Cloth,
the Money which they now use to buy
Cloathes would be saved for other