the injury he had sustained Rankled
in his mind & he
endeavored for a
considerable time to prevail with
some of his friends
to go with him
to there notion by when he was
wounded to make
celabration, but the
distance was so long (being I think
about three
thousand miles) and
the danger of the understanding so
great that they
would not join
him - unwilling to relinquish
his design he set
out above & trav
aild till he reachd the Border
of his Enemy - he
then stripd
himself naked & for several days
& night lay in
the wood & corn
field in the vicinity of the Ene
mies Town,
watching to catch
some of them who might be se
parated from the next -
by obser
vation he at length found that
the warriors had gone away on
expedition of hunting or war & on