on a Fire prepard for the purpose.
the Indians, mean while
Dancing round
the Fire and Hooping with a Great noise.
The Dog is
Esteemed by them as approaching
the nearest to themselves of any other
mal and therefore is devoted on these occasions as a
sacrifice to
the Great Spirit, and together
with their Dancing is under a
of pleasing Him- during this ceremony they
are feasting
occasionally on Corn Vegetables & Venison-
this Venison is taken by
encircling a large
space of Hunting Ground &
all the Deer
here Killd are Devoted to this Feast.
about a Pound of Tobacco,
a particular Kind which they consider as peculiarly agree
able to
the Great Spirit is also thrown on the
Fire while the Dog is burning, in
the smoke
whereof the Spirit of the Dog ascending is
believed to be
received by the Great Spirit
as a Sacrifice of a Good Savour- during
Ascention one of their Chiefs whom they call
their Minister
addresses the Great Spirit
in a Speech, the purport of which is an
Acknowledgement for favours received-
Thanks for His Preservation in times
and imploring His continued care &