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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Journal, Visit to Indians in New York State, v.2

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good things - the author of Happiness
& the Rewarder, both in this world & the
next for all good Sections - They be
lieve also that there is an Evil Spirit
whom they call Neis'she'o'nay

who influences to bad Action & is the
creator of all that is bad.
Wolves, & all warlike Bears, Rattlesnakes, Poisonous Weeds,
bad thoughts & deeds & every thing that
is productive of unhappiness both in
man & on the Earth

They believe there is a place of Happiness
called Hight'Caanon gay and that when they Die,
their Lives have been regular in this
World they ascend & are received there among
the spirits of good Men & Women, where
the Great Spirit is the Head of all.
He then presents & hangs about their
necks a string of Implements for hunt
ing providing themselves a comfortable livings they are sent to hunt in a Warm
country where there is plenty of Game.
& fertile for Corn, Beans & other good things. -

The place of punishment they call
Owhon'ga'go'u'nong geeh and consider it the reverse of
that of Happiness being a Cold & Barren Country-
little Game & nothing to kill it with -
or to procure other necessaries that the Bad spirit there is Governor of all