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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Journal, Visit to Indians in New York State, v.1

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to the Young Mans House & present
her to him- the Mother or Sister then
withdraw & she stays with her proposed
Husband- As the seasons for Planting
hoeing gathering Corn, procuring Fire
wood & other Business come on, the fe
male connections of the Young Woman
assist her in the different opperations
during the first year at the End of
which without any other Ceremony
the Marriage is
considerd valid & Honorable. they some
times however take a shorter way
for it & too commonly part again
on small disagreements, both parties
afterward taking other companions
there are now many among them in
this circumstances


Their antient opinion respecting
Thunder was that a Being whom they calld
Eno went [some was?] Great Spirit Inhabiting the Southern Mountains
& having a Short Gun was in the practice
of discharging it at his pleasure some
times striking the Trees & Splitting them