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Beyond Penn's Treaty

The Life of Thomas Eddy; Comprising an Extensive Correspondence

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be the only outward standard for determining the
soundness of their doctrines, and the truth of their
principles; whilst this modern preacher frequently
called in question their divine authority.

Mr. Eddy

, and other influential members of the
society, took an active part in endeavouring to arrest
the progress, of what they considered heterodox opi-
nions, and they always openly declared, that the
doctrines promulgated by the preacher before men-
tioned, were contrary to the fundamental principles
of the society, and that therefore they could have no
unity with him. Mr. Eddy was one of the warmest
advocates in favour of orthodox opinions, and one of
the earliest to detect the heterodoxy of the new prin-
ciples. Regardless of worldly consequences, he had
the courage openly and honestly to avow his senti-
ments, and thus became unpopular with those in the
society, who took the opposite side; but this moved
him not—and he continued, through evil report and
good report, to show his marked disapprobation of
those doctrines, until his death.

No cause was so dear to his heart, as the interests
of the society in which he was born and educated,
and for which he always manifested the most ardent
attachment; he, therefore, most deeply deplored the
division of sentiment, upon what he considered vital

The yearly meeting of Friends

in England, which
may be aptly termed the parent society, has officially
pronounced its condemnation of the novel doctrines
which were promulgated here, and refuses to hold
any intercourse with the Society in this country,
which sanctions those doctrines.

So far, therefore, as human authority goes, Mr.

's opinions have been completely sustained;
and although he did not live to witness the division
in the Society which now exists, yet he clearly fore-
saw, many years ago, that such must inevitably be
the result of the controversy.