fair vocabulary, makes a clear and impressive writer.
Mr. Eddy
that always makes a good style for any subject-mat-
ter. His logic has much of the Aristotelian clearness
about it; but being exercised upon the practical affairs
of life, instead of ingenious theories, it is not so
His time was all his own, for he had no days of
gloom or hypochondriacism to
weaken the energies
of his mind, through the pulses of his heart.
indulged in no morbid views of life, nor suffered
from over strained
feelings at human misery, but he
knew all the evils that existed, and had
nerve enough
to combat them. He depended for fame on no one
deed, or no one fortunate occurrence, but on
a life of active benevolence. A
command over his
passions, is the first lesson that he who intends
live for mankind, should learn. It is in this cool sere-
nity that
the mind gains its greatest strength and
aptitude for action. When obtained,
it gives to youth
the habits and facilities that belong to riper
This complacency increases every day by reflection,
and keeps the
mind from decrepitude and decay in
more advanced years. In such a state, a
man, like
the mariner sailing before the refreshing trade winds,
calculate almost to a certainty what may be accom-
plished in a given time.
When the imagination is
under proper control, and man is guided by
rience, he can correct yesterday's error, if one was
made, by
to-day's reasoning. In such a life, where
every thing is accurately measured
and surveyed, the
world passes onward, not like the uncertain
upon the dial of life, flitting with every cloud, but
like the
heavenly bodies,
Wheeling unshaken through the void
The religious order to which Mr. Eddy
by birth and principle, have ever since their rise
been remarkable for self-discipline. This character-
istic gave Penn