acceptable,—please to describe the observation, and
the instruments used.
The mind that could pass from the inspirations of
the Muse to such
deep questions of philosophy, was
one of no ordinary range; and, by
the very point of
the questions, as well as from his own
we conceive a high idea of his powers, and feel
tressed to think, that so laborious and sagacious a
should have died so young; for much might
have been expected from a
scholar in the prime of
life, pursuing such a course. There are but
few in
this country, who had, at the same time, leisure,
clination, and talents, to make such philosophical
The early education of Mr. Eddy
is given by himself, miscellaneous and scanty. The
most approved schools in his youthful days were very
indifferent, compared with those of modern times,
and but little more than the first elements of educa-
tion could be had in them. He was in a good mea-
sure self-taught, and by observing a right course, he
was constantly at school, while in the course of his
business, and gained a knowledge of the world as he
proceeded in the duties of life. Such knowledge, if
not at first entirely correct, has a self correcting prin-
ciple in it, which is experience.
His mind was so well disciplined, that every thing
he gained he kept; and in
gathering up his treasures
of knowledge, he always calculated on ulterior
which were not then, even to his own mind, fully
developed. He
was ambitious of attainment, but
never suffered his vanity to interfere with
the means
of gaining knowledge, for he was at great pains in
the opinion of the wise and good on every
subject; but he never followed the
opinions of any
man, until he had studied the subject thoroughly,