Do you know how far the ridge, on which
ridge road is constructed from Lewistown to the
lower falls of Genesee, extends to the eastward of
Genesee River, and do you know of any other
remarkable ridge or steps, similar to that which
occasions the falls of Niagara and Oswego? state its
height, direction, extent and composition. What is the composition of rocks in your
neighbourhood, and how do they lie?—in strata or
otherwise? inclined or horizontal? What strata are observed in the earth in digging
wells, &c. What shells are found? on the surface or what
depth? are they similar to the shell-fish at present
existing in the adjoining waters, or are they of
unknown species? are they found in the hills, or in
the valleys, or in both? Have any bones of animals been found?—of
what kind?—in the hills, or in
the valleys, or in both? Do you know of any petrifactions in your
neighbourhood?—of what kind? and do they resem-
ble things now existing, or are they of unknown
substances? are they found in the hills, or in the val-
leys, or in both? What trees or plants are peculiar to the respec-
tive soils of the valley of the lake I have supposed,
and the uplands? (Note, the botanical names of
trees and plants should be mentioned, if in your
power, the English names being applied to very dif-
ferent species in different parts of the country.) Do you know of any means of ascertaining,
or estimating, the age of the forest trees which grow
on the old Indian fortifications? Do you know at what rate per annum the
lakes in your neighbourhood decrease? or how much
have they decreased within your knowledge, or that
of creditable people? Are there any Indian hieroglyphics extant in
ridge road is constructed from Lewistown
Place Information
lower falls of Genesee, extends to the eastward of
Genesee River, and do you know of any other
remarkable ridge or steps, similar to that which
occasions the falls of Niagara and Oswego? state its
height, direction, extent and composition. What is the composition of rocks in your
neighbourhood, and how do they lie?—in strata or
otherwise? inclined or horizontal? What strata are observed in the earth in digging
wells, &c. What shells are found? on the surface or what
depth? are they similar to the shell-fish at present
existing in the adjoining waters, or are they of
unknown species? are they found in the hills, or in
the valleys, or in both? Have any bones of animals been found?—of
what kind?—in the hills, or in
the valleys, or in both? Do you know of any petrifactions in your
neighbourhood?—of what kind? and do they resem-
ble things now existing, or are they of unknown
substances? are they found in the hills, or in the val-
leys, or in both? What trees or plants are peculiar to the respec-
tive soils of the valley of the lake I have supposed,
and the uplands? (Note, the botanical names of
trees and plants should be mentioned, if in your
power, the English names being applied to very dif-
ferent species in different parts of the country.) Do you know of any means of ascertaining,
or estimating, the age of the forest trees which grow
on the old Indian fortifications? Do you know at what rate per annum the
lakes in your neighbourhood decrease? or how much
have they decreased within your knowledge, or that
of creditable people? Are there any Indian hieroglyphics extant in