pations, and for some
time interrupted my correspon-
dence ; and, although by the blessing
of God, and by
the aid of repeated depletion, and powerful
dies, I have been restored to such a state of health as
be able to devote a prescribed portion of my time
to the society of
my friends and the perusal of my
books, a result at my time of life
(approaching my
78th year) scarcely to be expected ; yet it has not
till of late that I have been able to undertake the
of so large a work as yours, which I have
now read, not only without
any injurious conse-
quences to my health, but with great
and amusement. At the same, time I have imbibed
very distinct idea and favourable opinion of the
truly great and
good man, whose character you have
so admirably depicted, and whose
great and various
merits you have so ably illustrated and
Writing, as I now do, under the immediate
sions derived from the perusal of your noble tribute
the memory of your friend, it would be unjust in
me to suppress the
feelings with which I have been
actuated, or to deny that, highly as
I estimate such a
character in a nation abounding in great men, I
sider your production as having shown you worthy
to have
been his biographer, and whilst you have
raised an imperishable
monument to his fame, to
have given the surest earnest of your own.
In addi-
tion to the regret I feel, in not having been able
reply sooner to your letter, 1 am sorry not to
transmitted you the few documents requested by
respecting my late highly esteemed friend, Thomas
memorials in your work; but the same calamity that
prevented me from writing, also prevented me from
performing this duty, having taken me when my
papers were in such a state of derangement that they
could not, for a long time, be looked into. I am, how-
ever, in some degree, consoled by the consideration,
that you will not have been delayed in your intend-