to advance any further sums, for making improve-
west of the Oneida Lake, I called on
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to him the propriety of proposing to the legislature,
to appoint commissioners to explore the country as
far west as the Seneca Lake, and to report their
opinion, how far it was practicable to connect that lake
by a canal with the Hudson River; and stated, that
from my own knowledge of the face of the country,
I was perfectly satisfied a favourable report would be
made, and that, considering the immense advantage
that would result to the state by such an undertaking,
there could be no doubt the legislature would readily
be induced to adopt the plan.
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ate, and being well acquainted with the geography
of the state, readily agreed with me in sentiment,
but he remarked, that if commissioners were appoint-
ed, they ought to be directed to explore and examine
the country as far as Lake Erie, to ascertain if it was
practicable, to connect that lake by canal naviga-
tion with Hudson River. I replied, that I was fear-
ful the legislature would be deterred from making any
appointment of commissioners, if so great an under-
taking should be proposed, and that by proposing for
them to examine the country only as far as the Sene-
ca Lake, they might then be induced to adopt the
measure. After some farther conversation, it was
agreed to propose going as far as Lake Erie, and
Judge Platt
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to be offered to the Senate
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morning I was in the Senate
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out De Witt Clinton
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ject we had in view, and handed to him for his
perusal the proposed draft of a joint resolution—he
expressed himself highly pleased with the project,
said it had his hearty concurrence, and should have
his decided support. Judge Platt
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ed to his seat, and presented the resolution to the